The Compact is the agreement which governs relations between the Government and voluntary and community sector organisations (VCOs) in England.

The Compact is the agreement which governs relations between the Government and voluntary and community sector organisations (VCOs) in England.

On 14 December 2010 the renewed national Compact was launched. The Compact is now much shorter and concise, comprising more practical commitments and aligned to government’s priorities.

Of most significance is the addition of an Accountability and Transparency Guide which provides the voluntary and community sector (VCS) with the 'teeth' it has so long requested.

To learn more about the renewed Compact download The renewed Compact: FAQs.

Download The Compact and You: A guide for the Black & Minority Ethnic voluntary and community sector (2nd edition, October 2011)

Visit our Compact pages to find out more about the Compact and how we can support you:

V4CE’s Compact Journey – a timeline of V4CE’s involvement in key events surrounding the Compact

Compact and You explains the Compact, its links with law, and how it helps resolves issues faced by BME VCOs

Key Compact Commitments – highlights commitments relating to key areas for BME VCOs

Holding Government to Account a guide to challenging unfair decisions by statutory partners

How can V4CE help me? – information about the services we provide including training events and advocacy services

Compact and Public Law Training Events – workshops on how to use the Compact and law to strengthen and challenge relationships with statutory partners

Useful Links – signposting you to other organisations which can provide you with useful tools and information

Make the Compact available on your website

We urge you to upload the Compact onto your website for your members and users to read and download. You may want to add the following paragraph:

The renewed national Compact was launched on 14 December 2010. The Compact is an agreement between Government and the voluntary and community sector (VCS) to improve the way in which Government and the VCS work together effectively and harmoniously to benefit communities and individuals. To find out more about the renewed national Compact and how it can help your organisation and its beneficiaries please visit the Voice4Change England website or contact Ravi Chauhan, BME Compact Officer at Voice4Change England.